Friday, February 23, 2007


Chrisitans have used art in worship for hundreds of years. This year during Lent we recover that tradition by not only "using" art in worship, but experiencing art as worship. We celebrate the Creator by celebrating the creativity Gods has given us.

Each Sunday in Lent, an artist is contributing an original work of art to our worship that we may be inspired, challenged, focused . . .basically whatever God wants to do in us through the piece of art.

We will post these artworks here and invite you to meditate on them and maybe even steal away a few minutes at work or home to open yourself up to God's word through them. We'll also post the scripture that inspired the work of art.

Importantly, we invite your comments on the scripture text, the art, both, whatever. Even if you have never commented on a blog before, please share your thoughts with the community of those who will come behind you. You don't have to be profound, just be real. Your comment may be exactly what someone else needs to read.

Enjoy and may God open our eyes to see His glory (even in surprising ways!)

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